Wednesday 23 April 2014

Smiling through it

Hello everyone!

Last week I did a post telling you I'd had surgery. Since the surgery I've been rather sore & a bit grumpy (a bit of infection didn't exactly help either). But we have also had some smiles this week which cheered me up. So I just wanted to give you a quick list of stuff that might make you (or someone you know) smile when things aren't so peachy.

1. A bit of TLC goes a long way. My other half has been amazing this week- helping me to do stuff, looking after me & making sure everything else gets done. But he's also been there to give me hugs, make me laugh & make sure things were as comfortable as possible. Sometimes, just having someone to cheer you up, listen to you or comfort you can make a world of difference.

2. Laughter is the best medicine. Whether it's something funny on TV, a joke or a funny picture, cracking a smile can make you feel alot better.

3. Treat yourself. We all need a pick-me up occasionally. It doesn't have to be a massive splurge- sometimes it can be something as simple as getting your favourite foods in or a relaxed night with your favourite film & a hot chocolate.

4. Find something to take your mind off of it. This obviously doesn't solve the problem but sometimes a distraction can take your mind off of whatever it is- leaving you more relaxed & less stressed.

So there you have it! Thanks for reading & I hope this helped :)

Keep smiling :) :) :)

For questions, suggestions, comments & opinions, email me at:

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