Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Endometriosis surgery update 2

Hello Everyone!

A couple of days ago I posted saying that I was in hospital. I am happy to say now that I am home again. After alot of tests it was found that I had a collection of fluid around my right ovary, although they were unable to tell if it was blood or anything else.They did question alot of things such as urinary & kidney infections & other things so I was on an antibiotic drip as a precaution.

They weren't too happy about letting me go home but I felt that there was nothing they could do there that I couldn't do at home. I was discharged with lots of morphine & other painkillers, with strict orders to come back if there was no improvement or things got worse.

Although I am in serious pain I'm happier at home- my fiance is looking after me & I'm in my own bed which is more comfy! This weekend was the worst time for me to be in hospital as it was mine & my fiance's 2 year anniversary & he'd planned a surprise meal (I cried my eyes out when he left after visiting me that evening!) But he has planned a surprise for when I am better so I have that to look forward to!

Hopefuly over the next few days things will start to improve & I will post an update soon!

Thanks for reading :)

For questions, suggestions, opinions & comments, email me at:

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