Sunday, 6 April 2014


So this is my first ever post as I am new to blogging (please excuse any spelling errors and nervous rambling lol). My blog is going to be about loads of different things: food & recipies, makeup and beauty product reveiws, fashion (look out for my hauls that I am going to be doing), hair and makeup tips, TV, and music and film related reveiws. Also I want to cover things like money saving and good ways to save cash

I am also going to be discussing some more serious topics. I am disabled and have lived with illnesses for a number of years. I am going to be giving advice on for people who suffer with the same things; as well as tips on coping and how to still lead a good life.

Other serious subjects I may cover are things like bullying, abuse and stress. All of these things I have experienced and I want to be able to help others who may be going through the same.

Anyway, on a less morbid note I really hope that this can be a success and that people will read, enjoy, laugh and gain something from this. There are several successful youtubers and well-known bloggers who I have gained inspiration from to be able to do this. I am always happy to answer questions and suggestions, and if all goes well I will be doing some vlogs on youtube so let me know.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy :)


For suggestions, questions and general feedback, email me at:

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