Hello everyone!
Today I want to tell you about some of the ways that I deal with pain. If you read my blog then you will have heard me tell you that I have been ill for a long time, with various different problems. With pretty much all of these problems comes pain, & lots of it! It's horrible & there are lots of days that I'm unable to do much & it can even leave me bedridden. Not fun!
It's not all doom & gloom though, as over time I've also found some great ways to combat pain & side effects of illness. Whether it's headaches, stomach pain, back pain, joint pain, sickness & nausea or severe tiredness, there are ways I have found that can really help.
***As a little disclaimer I have to mention that this in no way is professional medical advice & that you should always check with your doctor if the problem persists or you are unsure of what to do.
1. Painkillers- a pretty obvious one. I am on alot of strong painkillers for some of my problems, & they do help. However, with painkillers, you can also get side effects. These include: drowsiness, irritability, addiction, allergies & may lead to further problems. It sounds old but you must always read the label to check it's ok for you- even if it has been prescribed (I am allergic to anti-inflammitory medicines & have been prescribed them by accident before!) It's also not a good idea to take over-the-counter medicines for more than a few days at a time- if a problem persists for more than 3 days then it's a good idea to see the doctor to rule out other problems.
2. Heat- this is a great one as it works on a variety of pain types. A hot bath can help soothe aching joints & a poorly tummy, as does a hot water bottle or cherry stone/wheat bag applied to the painful area (don't put a hot water bottle directly on your skin- wrap it in a towel first). It can also help in winter when you've got an icky cold or virus. Again, it sounds old but wrapping up warm really helps- instead of one big thick item of clothing, try layering lighter items- that way you can add or remove them for comfort!
3. Tiger Balm- a recent discovery for me & it has worked so well that I've ordered it in bulk from Amazon. You get two kinds- red or white, & it is available in a rub/balm or patch form that you apply to the affected area. I use the red Tiger Balm rub- simply rub a small amount into the painful area(s) & after 5-10 minutes you'll get a deep, cooling sensation which takes the pain away. I use it for everything- back & joint pain, muscular pain, neck pain, headaches & even stomach pain. Just keep it away from irritated or broken skin, eyes, nose & mouth.
4. Headache relief sticks & patches. These give a lovely cooling sensation to your forehead & help get rid of your headache- but don't get it near your eyes or put on broken or sensitive skin.
5. Massage & rubbing the area. They say your hands are your best tool & it's true. It might hurt at first but massaging painful areas really does help.
6. Light support or compression- this is great for painful joints. My arm is constantly immobilised due to a break not being treated 2 years ago. This left me with permanent damage & now my only option is surgery to fix it (more surgery- not fun). Sometimes immobilising the painful joint for a few hours or supporting it with a light compression bandage such as tubigrip or cohesive bandage can help the pain. However, you mustn't have the bandage too tight- if it cuts off the circulation or limbs look blue then take it off. Also, if the problem persists for more than 3 days then see a doctor- you can break bones without knowing!
So there we go- some pain relief tips! Hope you enjoyed reading & would love to know if any of these worked for you :)
For questions, suggestions, opinions and comments, email me at:
dollytrolley1994@gmail.com or post a comment below
This blog has something for everyone. As well as suffering from endometriosis I have several other illnesses. The main focus of this blog is based on how I cope, my day-to-day experiences, & the stages of my journey. That's not all though, like I said, there is something for everyone & this blog will also have lots of beauty & product reviews, tips, recipes, ideas, general observations on life & good old-fashioned advice. Enjoy :)
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