Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Endometriosis update

Hi everyone!

If you've been following my blog on my endometriosis surgery, I now have an update. News isn't good I'm afraid- more surgery is on the cards & this time it's going to be alot riskier, but necessary. I went to see the consultant today who explained to me that my endometriosis is pretty extensive- all over my uterus, ovaries, bowels & abdominal cavity.

She explained to me that last time they could only remove a small amount because they didn't have the right equipment & that if they would have tried there was a huge chance I would have bled to death. Scary.

I was told that with endometriosis, it is more common to grow in a few big clumps, which are easier to remove. Because mine is growing in many flatter patches they will need to do more skilled, riskier surgery. Like all surgery there are risks- bleeding, damage to surrounding organs, reactions to the anaesthetic ect. The risks with this operation are also pretty serious- I could lose my womb & ovaries, my bowel could get seriously damaged & there is no guarantee it will stop the endometriosis coming back (but they have to do it because otherwise it will get worse.

They are unsure whether the endometriosis has penetrated INTO my bowel (they were unable to tell during the laparoscopy because they would have needed specialist equipment) but if that is the case I will also need something called a bowel resection (where they cut away the diseased section of the bowel. Again this causes complications as it will mean that they would need to fit a colostomy/stoma bag (where the waste is diverted into a bag from your stomach) as the bowel would need to rest for 3-6 months. Not nice!

I am waiting for an appointment with the bowel specialist which will hopefully be soon. He will be talking me through the procedure & giving me more details so I will keep you posted!
In the meantime I am keeping as cheerful & busy as I can & enjoying the little things :) thanks for reading!

For questions, suggeations, opinions & comments, email me at: or post a comment below

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Jes!! Hope you have a good day, I'll be posting soon as I had my lap yesterday. It went well but there are a few things I wasn't expecting. Speak soon x
