Friday, 13 June 2014

Endometriosis- the next stage

Hi everyone,

Little update for you all today- got a phone call yesterday from the hospital saying that they've received an urgent referral through to the bowel surgeon- Mr Tyrone Carpenter, & he wants me to see him next Wednesday. This is a scary time for me. At my last weeks appointment with the gyneaocologist, she told me alot of things & phrases such as "bowel resection" "will likely need a stoma" "catheter" & "Long hospital stay" were used.

It also didn't help that she told me part of the reason they couldn't remove more of my endo last time is because my oxygen levels majorly dropped & there was a huge risk of me bleeding to death.

How I am feeling in general...
Still in a huge amount of pain most of the time. Nights are the worst. I get big headaches most days & my joints & back are often sore. I'm so tired most of the time too. My appetite is almost non-existent (although fresh fruit, small snacks & ice pops usually go down ok). Going to the loo isn't nice as it hurts! My bowels constantly feel gassy & full. I also struggle to breathe occasionally.

On the days when I feel up to it my other half takes me out for a bit- he's been incredible. Yes he spoils me (bought me a tablet this week- I burst into tears when I saw it) & buys me little treats to cheer me up. But he's also been my rock- rubbing Tiger Balm into my sore back & joints, sitting up on 'the night shift' when I'm having a bad time or can't sleep, & doing everything he possibly can to make my life easier. I love him ♡♥♡♥

Overall, although I feel physically CRAP I'm trying to stay positive. I joined a forum for Endometriosis sufferers last night & already have spoken to some lovely people. The forum is called Endometriosis UK & some of the stories & advice have been really helpful :)

Thanks for reading :)

For questions, suggestions, opinions & comments, email me at: or comment below :)

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