Sunday, 31 August 2014

An update- not very well :(

Hello everyone,

In one of my last posts I mentioned that I had what the doctors suspected might be a very severe chest infection/pluerisy (inflamation in the membranes of the lungs) type thing. This has gone on for several weeks now- bad chest pain, coughing, trouble breathing, bringing up blood, high temperature & very high pulse.

Twice I have been to the doctors- the first time I was given a weeks antibiotics & told to come in for a review when the course was finished (I know they don't usually give antibiotics but they have to take special precautions with me due to my other problems). The next week I went back, feeling worse. It was noted that my obs were still sky high & my right lung was particularly "crackly" sounding. The GP was debating sending me to hospital but I didn't want to go unless I really had to. He instead put me on some more very strong antibiotics & a short course of high-dose steroids to help strengthen my lungs & to try & ease my breathing. The same instructions as before were given; review in a week, come back if things don't improve or get worse, & the possibility that I may need a chest Xray.

Now I am still no better a week on. I am having bad headaches & alot of trouble breathing as well as chest pains & generally very poorly. This is a particularly bad time for me to be ill as I am due to see the bowel specialist this week to discuss treatment for my endometriosis, as well as having my final session of hand therapy (sad to say that it hasn't made a difference :(...).

Tomorrow I am due to go for a full blood check as the GP last week also had some concerns to do with my thyroid. I am going to book myself in to see the doctor tomorrow morning & hope that they can find out what is wrong with me.

Hope everyone is having a better week. Enjoy the last days of the summer :)


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