Thursday, 16 October 2014

Keeping sane

Hello everyone,

This is just going to be a quick, lighthearted post. We all go through those times when it just seems like life is whizzing past, you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, & everything is rapidly descending into chaos. Yes, that's what I'm feeling like at the moment. We often find in these times that we forget to just take a step back, relax & smell the roses. But most people don't realise what they miss when they don't take the time to just enjoy things. I find that some me-time, an hour or so at the end of the day, keeps me sane in times like this.

My "me-time" usually takes place at night, when I can just relax & put my feet up. It's also the time when I am least likely to be interrupted- my man is playing on the Xbox, my parents are watching telly & my brother is out. It's great. During that time I choose to do things that are just relaxing, don't require much effort & help me to switch off. I have alot of problems sleeping as it is, & find that if I do things before bed that require alot of thought or get me wound up/excited, it makes this worse. These little things keep me sane & give me an escape from the busyness of life:

1) Music- this is such an important thing to me. Some people are often only interested in one or two genres, but I love so many genres & don't restrict myself to just one. I like to explore new artists & just listen to the songs & often find ones that really have alot of meaning. One particular artist who's music I am really loving at the moment is Gotye (for those who don't know who he is, he sang "Somebody that I used to know"). His songs are just so well performed, with meaningful lyrics & very creative backing music. He's certainly not your average popstar- his music isn't full of violence, sex or the other nonsense that modern music is filled with (you certainly wouldn't hear crap such as "Oh my Gosh, look at her butt" in his lyrics). It's very calming & just different. I love the videos too- often very surreal & artistic, but they paint a picture & represent stories. Amazing & really does help me to relax.

2) Pictures of amazing places, animals & generally interesting or funny things- Since I have joined Google+, I have seen some really awesome posts. There is one page in partivcular that I follow called Diply. Whenever I look at my feed, I always see a new picture that makes
me smile- baby animals, flowers, stunning views, cool gadgets. It really brings home just what you could see if you just took a step back for a minute & looked.

3) Small kindnesses- The smallest kind actions mean alot. Whether it's someone holding a door open for you, or an offer of a cuppa, it can really make a world of difference. My lovely man & dad are working hard at the moment to renovate mine & my mans room. I appreciate this so much as the extra storage will be a big help. My mum was lovely enough earlier to make me some proper honey & lemon tea as I still have this yucky cold. The simple act of her saying "Here, I made you this, it will help" really boosted my mood. It's little things like this that restore my faith that people still know how to be kind to others.

4) Crafts & hobbies- I'm not talking clay pigeon shooting or restoring old cars. Because of my poor health I often find I can't do physically demanding activities. I love knitting & often find that it is relaxing as it is so simple & doesn't require huge amounts of concentration. At the moment I am working on a shawl for when it gets cold that I can wrap around my shoulders.

So there we go! Just a few simple little things I can do when I just need to relax. What is your favourite thing that helps you unwind? Comments below or feel free to email me at:

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Ill again, bad news & big plans

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I last posted, but things have been a bit crazy. This hasn't been the best of months for me- I've been very poorly, we've had some bad news in the family, my bedroom is being renovated & I am now running round trying to organise a wedding. Yes, that's right, I'm getting married- IN A MONTHS TIME! I'll explain this all in a minute as all of this fits together, & you'll be able to understand it more.

So first things first- I really have not been very well at all. This month has been a bad one as my tummy is constantly in pain, I've been having frequent bowel spasms (they hurt so much!) & I've been generally tired & run down. Last week I was having some problems weeing & pain in my kidneys, so I went to the doctor. They found blood in my wee as well as infection so I am now on more antibiotics & possibly need to have some tests (due to the fact that the doc thinks the endo could be causing trouble). To top that off I also have a yucky cold. I had a phonecall from the hospital as I have now been referred to a new bowel specialist (finally). They want me to have a colonoscopy on the 11th of next month to see whats going on in my bowels, so at least that is moving along at last!

Secondly- my bedroom being renovated. I'm really excited about this as me & my other half are getting some lovely fitted wardrobes, a new bed & some nice new furniture. Even though we've had to clear EVERYTHING out of our room (sleeping on an airbed in an empty room makes me feel a bit like a squatter lol), it will be worth it. We've had a good de-clutter & I've gotten rid of lots of old clothes, & it means we will have plenty more storage space. Hopefully it will be finished by Friday so fingers crossed!

Thirdly- the bad news. The whole family is very upset at the moment. At the beginning of the year, my granddad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was thought that it was treatable, but sadly now they have found a very aggressive cancerous lump at the base of his skull. We've been told that it's unlikely he will last until Christmas. Growing up, I only had one set of Grandparents. My dads parents died when I was a baby so my mums parents had to do the job of 2 sets of grandparents. They are the most amazing, kindest & generous people you could meet, & the fact that we are now going to lose one of them is devastating.

So this leads onto the final thing- a wedding. Me & my other half have been planning to get married for over a year now, but illness & other things have gotten in the way. But now that my granddad is dying, this has given us a wakeup call. I want my granddad at my wedding, & we are going up North on Saturday to see a hotel venue who will do a package. They've told us that all we will need to do is get outfits, the marriage licence, the guest list & the rings sorted. They will do the rest. I am under no illusion that it will be that simple, but the family are all willing to do whatever they can. I had a conversation with my brother & it really bought home why I was doing this- he told me that if I didn't have my granddad there I would be more upset on my wedding day & wouldn't enjoy it as much. He also said that this would be the crowning event of my granddads life & one last happy memory that we would have with him.

My other half agreed with this & we know that this will be the happiest day of our life, made even more important because it's probably going to be my last big life milestone that my granddad will be there for. It won't be easy to pull off but where there is a will, there is a way. I don't want it to be big fat gypsy weddings, & I am not a bridezilla. I don't want it to be one of these days where I am stressing out because my hair isn't perfect or the  napkins are  royal blue instead of sapphire blue. As long as I am married & everyone enjoys themselves, I know it will be a lovely day.

So there you have it. I will be doing regular updates (when I have the time) & with a bit of luck, by the 23rd of next month, I will be married! Thankyou for reading :) xxx